Saturday, December 09, 2006


Space shuttle Discovery went up tonight and it was amazing. I was at Universal when it went up and there was a huge crowd of people watching. No matter how many of those I see go up I'm still in awe every time. As soon as it went off the ground just lit up this bright red color and then just above the trees the shuttle emerged a giant red glow in the sky. It's so neat watching it go up and slowly fade off into the distance. Now it's a 12 day countdown until the shuttle lands and I get to hear that sonic boom. I can't remember the last time I've heard one so I'm really looking forward to it. I definitely say if you ever get the chance to see one go up take advantage of it.

The End

So I went to my last Copeland concert for the year. It was amazing as usual. I love those guys. They were so sharp tonight so worth waiting through all the opening bands to see them play. This concert marked the official end of my first semester of college. Technically I finished Wednesday but tests weren't over until today and I was using the concert as my celebration so yep school is over. Now I just have to get my act together over the break, pick a major, set up a schedule, and make sure it works out so I can come home on the weekends and be able to catch the L word. That's all I care about is making sure I get to see that. I'm ready for it to start. I need something on tv to watch and be involved with again.

Next semester at school is going to be a lot better. I can tell. I'll actually be in clubs. I started going to a couple these last few weeks at school but it was obviously kind of late so next semester I'll start from the beginning. So far I'm part of the juggling club and the glbsu but I plan on expanding that to other clubs such as the nap club and cereal lovers and cab (a music club). It'll be good.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Happy December!!!
With this comes two good things.
1. Christmas is practically here. I see lights and decorations up more and more. That always puts a smile on my face. I do enjoy the Christmas music too.

2. The semester is ALMOST over. ONE more day of classes and then three exams to get through. Too bad I got lucky as usual and all my finals are on the same day. As soon as I finish that last test on Wednesday my ass is headed home where I will then spend a most amazing month sleeping in my own bed, going to universal, and hanging out with all my friends who are finally coming home. Ew and maybe a job... maybe.

Study time. Good luck to everyone out there with their finals. They're a bitch but with plenty of coffee and cereal I'll get through it and so will all of you.