Back to school week
Have I ever mentioned I'm a huge nerd? Well I am and I love it. So after spending my Christmas break going out all the time and enjoying myself to the max, I've returned to school ready to get shit done. It's only the fourth day of school and I've already spent three out of four nights in the library tucked away in my corner reading, taking notes, and typing up all my class notes. I'm staying on top of things this semester. Not that I didn't do well last semester, I just need to have some sort of focus and direction in my life after this past break. No more drinking, no more smoking weed and no more cigarettes. It's back to being on top of things. School is good. I love my classes and I love sitting in the library. The only thing I don't enjoy is that I'm the only one in here. During finals week it was awesome. The place was packed with people stressing out, focusing, drinking their coffee and now it's empty. I like the crazy hectic version of the library more so than this empty not so focused version I'm sitting in right now. Hopefully things pick up after this first week and I won't be the only loser in here. Back to the books for me.