Pain Killer
I hate her. My roommate and her stupid ass alarm clock that wakes me everytime it goes off. It's so loud. I don't understand how she can sleep through it or wait in her bed to shut it off. I was ready to pull it out of the wall and throw it at her. I made a comment about it and she was cranky so she said something back. So stupid. Wake your ass up already and shut that damn thing off. I don't know why she sets it so early. It's not like she's actually waking up at that time. Tuesday she set the damn thing at 7 something and then 8 something and you know what. Come 11 I was walking out to go to class and her ass was still in bed. What the hell? How does a person do that. I'm going to destroy her alarm clock. I'm not kidding. It sounds like a house alarm that's how loud it is. It scares me out of my sleep. Argh.
oh and everyone should go get the Last Kiss Soundtrack. It's awesome.