Friday, May 12, 2006

Jude Law and a Semester Abroad

round two of testing is over. I definitely owned my history exam. thank god i'm a big history buff and just seem to know stuff.

I'm starting to doubt the whole college thing. My mom came in the other day told me I am selfish and then went on to say that she doesn't care what I do anymore. That's nice. Glad to know I have people behind me supporting my decisions. i wish everything didn't revolve around money.

time to get a job....
is it just me or does gas seem to burn a lot faster all of a sudden?

sarah shahi is doing L-word stuff so maybe there's hope that she's coming back...

i think i have to go see art school confidential now. it's gotten mixed reviews but i dont care. i want that one minute of seeing kate on the big screen.


At 10:12 PM, Blogger oct-libra said...

the moment i was able to get a job i did and i never had to rely on my parents anymore.

it all boiled down to my older brother and then my sister and i were afterthoughts for my her and i just stuck together, which is why we are still so close. ignore all the haters.

Art School Confidential...yeah i want to go see it too, i missed out on Kate's play because i couldn't find anyone to go with me but a movie i don't mind seeing by myself.


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