Monday, April 24, 2006

Make Damn Sure

why do i keep receiving stupid random calls from the navy and army and all that other crap? they keep asking me to come sit down so they can talk to me about it or basically so they can try and sucker me into joining. please... do they think i am that stupid to up and join something like that? yea right. it is kind of fun shutting them down when they call though.

three more days left of school. the excitment is kind of wearing already. one i'll miss my friends and two i am never going to get sleep. i get like three to four hours at home and then about three at school so its an ok amount. without those three in school i am going to die. i've got to find a way to get sleep.

hmm perhaps i might go try and study for the rest of my bio test tomorrow. took the first part today, multiple choice, and i was 100% sure of one out of forty questions. i recognized everything but the fact that i didn't study and pretty much slept through all three years of bio has me pretty screwed. i'll see if i can stay focused and learn something tonight. tomorrow it's all writing and it's really hard to bs biology crap when you just have no clue.

i hope everyone is having a fantastic day. and might i announce it is now officially summer in florida. kill me now...


At 7:58 PM, Blogger green said...

fainty - can't you ask them to remove you from their calling list? technically, they have to, or do they? just tell them you're GAY and they won't ever call you again!

good luck w/finals.


and try not to look at the internet. just pretend it's down for maintenance.


At 8:31 PM, Blogger wonga said...

lol, love what sloganx said.

Good luck with your bio test tomorrow!

Summer in Florida?!? I have to go back to wearing my winter jacket tomorrow :(.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

slo- haha i should definitely try that one next time they call. I almost wish i could see thier faces. give up my internet? that is by no means possible. plus i use it to study. oh and thanks for the luck.

wonga- I would kill to have a day when i need to wear a winter coat. the most i put on this "winter" was a sweat shirt and long sleeve. I'll and send you some of our warm weather and hopefully get some sort of cool down here. KEEP WARM!!! oh and thanks to you too

At 9:24 PM, Blogger wonga said...

Actually, the winter wasn't so bad this this time around, but the weather is kinda effed up. Just last week we were actually in t-shirts! I'll try to keep warm while you...try to keep cool?

At 9:53 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

haha thanks. it sucks because i love to layer my clothes but it makes it ten times hotter. you should see as soon as i get in my car i totally strip down. hell i strip in the parking lot of universal at times its so hot. ok well not strip strip... but i rip the layers off down to almost nothing. i get stares all the time. especially when i go into 7-11 for a slurpee. I throw on a shirt to go in and as soon as i am back in the car its off. the faces i get. Gah i HATE the heat.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger wonga said...

aah, strip crack me up. My mom thinks I'm crazy for wearing sweaters all the time, but there just so comfy. It makes me want to sleep. Anyways, I hate it want it's supa hot and cold. The middle just sounds about right.

Umm...shouldn't you be studying instead of reading this? :P

At 10:18 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

haha studying... yes i should. it's so boring though. I've read it all before i just have no desire to actually take it all in and rememer it. i actually read six sentences earlier and then fell asleep. bio... the cure for my sleep problem.

haha i bring a sweater to school everyday just to sleep on. no use for it other than that... how sad.

At 10:20 PM, Blogger wonga said...

lol, I should be doing my macro assignment, let's just say I've been trying to do this number for like...oh the past 5 hours!?!

At 10:27 PM, Blogger wonga said...

Yay, J-meg cast is up!!

At 10:51 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

haha. yea i've had the website with the bio stuff open all day and managed to read all of about two pages. dude we both need to get to work.

Listening now. those two are great.

At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Faint, this reminds me of my senior year in high school when the Army & Air Force kept calling me and I kept saying, "Aren't I too short?" ;-)

At 11:09 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

haha you said that to them? i just tell them i'm going to college and that i'm in no way interested. i might try slo's gay thing next time. that should get them to stop.

At 11:54 PM, Blogger wonga said...

Umm...yeah. An hour later and still stuck, but I really did try! Anyways, gonna watch an l word epi instead. Goodnight faint!

At 12:24 AM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

ha yea i didnt do more studying. i watched some degrassi and some sharmen videos and yep did everything not related to bio. sorry you didn't succeed in your work. at least you tried. enjoy the episode and good night.


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