Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Testing the Strong Ones

Pandora/HOB Present: She Rock - Sophie B. Hawkins with special guest Betty of the "L"Word

do they have to always associate themselves with the show? do they really think that doing that is going to attract more people to their shows?

anyway breaking from studying. major headache. math test totally rapped me today. it was way harder than any other year. but whatever can't complain because tomorrow is going to be worse. math paper 2 and then bio paper 1 and 2? how the hell am I supposed to study for all of that today? i've done more studying in the past three days than i have in my entire life and thats an honest statement. so basically after one tree hill it's back to bio for another umm four hours and then sleep. good thing there is a two hour break between tests so i can cram some more for bio. ok enough test talk sorry.

kelka and J-Meg podcasts up and totally hilarious.

oh man. ok so it totally makes sense. Pandora & Alison Burgos Presents Girls in Wonderland '06 with DJ Pride. ok so yea i guess the whole pride thing starts at the end of may and thats why the house of blues has betty that one night and the band listed above june 2nd and 3rd. i forgot about all that stuff. i'll try and make it to something somewhere. it would be a nice way to celebrate the end of testing.

ok ok time to eat, catch up on blogs, then back to studying. hope everyone else is having a stress free week.

the psycho society report:
so i thought i would throw this out there. couple things i heard about the people of today's society.

1. on the news last night they were talking about a hate group that has been protesting at recent military funerals. the group claims that the soldiers have died because america has embraced homosexuals or some weird crap like that. the protestors are now being arrested if they disrupt the funerals.

2. ok so apparently some mom took her kid to a fall out boy concert in North Carolina and was offended so she sent a letter to the record label. this is one of the claims for her letter. "Charlotte is not the demoralized city that liberal San Fransico and other cities across the North and West are. I didnt spend over $200.00 for tickets,gas, food, and unforturnately shirts that I purchased for them before the concerts, for you to give your own personal political testimony, cursing anyone who disagreed. This was a concert, not some liberal homosexual rally. I predict that you have lost a lot of financial support in the last 24 hours. I am not the only parent with morals that had children at this concert." so yea i got a good laugh at that. see what happens when bands go mainstream and gather younger audiences, the parents go crazy on them and they have to deal with extra unnecessary shit. it was a concert, what did the lady expect? but yea the gay thing really got me because that is so crazy for her to claim.


At 8:28 PM, Blogger wonga said...

Ugh...betty, that's all I need to say about them.

omg! You watch one tree hill too? I actually haven't been watching one tree hill lately cause of school, but I taped it. I saw the preview for tonight's season finale. It looks suuper interesting, but I can't watch because I have to write a paper for tomorrow.

Sorry about your math test. Good luck with the rest of your tests!!!

At 8:49 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

yea i watch one tree hill on occassion. i watched the last three episodes so i figured i should watch the season finale. i should be studying in stead of watching but i really need the mental health break. you'll enjoy the show once you get to watch it. a lot actually happens.

oh and good luck with the paper.

At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Faint, good luck with the rest of your tests. I wasn't too good in math in high school but managed to do well in statistics in college. Go figure.

The funeral protesters showed up in Minnesota this Winter & even gave the conservatives the willies.

At 12:05 AM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

thanks. yea i suck at math and science which blows since i have one math and two bio tests tomorrow. but i'll survive. just keep the podcasts coming for my mental health.

yea those protestors seem uber scary. but that's surprising that they had that affect on conservatives.

At 7:22 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

eh i don't know. i've seen them five times before and never saw anything of the sort or got that kind of impression so i don't know. last time i went to one of their shows i saw quite a few gay couples but that's all. the bassist of the band runs his mouth a lot so maybe he said something. i don't know.

At 1:06 AM, Blogger oct-libra said...

didn't OTH annoy you when eveyone was like..."i got something to tell you"

i kept saying throughout the whole episode that Brooke was pregnant but then i realized it had to be Rachel because last week she was fraking out in her car and stuff calling Cooper. (2 nobody's on the show, so why make a big deal)

they better bring this show back next season then just so i know what happened...i was kind of hoping it wouldn't but now i totally need it too.

At 1:17 AM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

yea it did get kind of annoying especially since i was studying at the same time and only half paying attention. i got kind of confused. so you think it's just rachael that is pregnant? i have no clue. why was brooke all crazy then. i got the idea through the entire episode that something was up with brooke. didn't hailey have something to tell nathan too? man they left it open so it could be any of them. yea i never really watched the show before this season. i watched on and off but it definitely has to come back to answer all the questions. they wouldn't just leave it like that... i mean they can't right?


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