Monday, April 17, 2006

Sic Transit Gloria

well i got caught. go fucking figure. good things never last. i make it through almost the entire year without my dad finding out about the whole skipping thing... that is until today. did the shopping thing, went to school after third period, finished the day out and then headed to the mall for more shopping because i didn't find anything earlier. i then proceeded to spend my day out and told my brother he had to wait at home to get the call from the school otherwise i was sharing with my parents that he is again looking at porn. he wasn't home so i just told him to answer it when he got home. yea well on my way home i get a call from my mom...
mom: "were you at school today?"
me: "yes"
mom: "are you sure?"
me: "yes. well i was in guidance for the first half but yea i was there"
mom: "so when your father calls tomorrow and asks they'll say you were in guidance?"
me: *silence*... "umm no i went shopping with some friends to get an outfit for tonight because i was thinking about going to that IB thing. everyone was telling me to go. why... the school called?"
mom: "um yea and your father answered it. He's pissed and he said to come home right away."
me: "well... what should i do? what do you think he's going to say? should I come home? is he really really mad? is he yelling? tell him i'm stuck in traffic. do something."

in case you don't know my dad is also psycho but in that angry man i'm gonna kill you psycho. i mean if there is one thing I am scared of it's him. he was borderline physically abusive when i was younger and he has been verbally abusive since well forever. he yells about everything and his yell scares the crap out of me. so yea i was pretty much in the car on the verge of tears asking my mom what i should say to him or what i could do. we decided that i would come home when her and my brother were leaving so i could park my car and escape into their car.

only good that came out of all this was i got a dress for the wedding in a couple of weeks and i got a well needed hair cut. bad part... i now have to avoid my house every day for the rest of well as long as i think it will take for him to cool off. i'm pretty sure the library is going to become my new home. thank god he works nights so he sleeps most of the time. there is about a four hour window where he is awake from the time i get out of school so that's not too bad. i totally missed my IB thing which isn't too bad because i did save myself some gas. i'll get crap from everyone tomorrow about not going but whatever there was no way i could make it.

so in this posts conclusion... if i for some reason disappear for a while i've either been banished to my room without my computer or killed. hopefully i can avoid him long enough until he cools down. i'm so scared at this point and not looking forward to what he has to say.

college update:
sadly... i am officially staying in florida for college for this year and please don't mention boston around me for some time because i get upset every time i think about it. i'm such a baby.


At 11:16 PM, Blogger green said...

fainty - too bad for getting busted. sorry your dad's a psycho. i'll be hoping he doesn't tear into you too bad.

At 11:19 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

thanks. i would appreciate any postive/ good luck vibes you and or anyone else would like to send this way. i don't think it will be too bad... but i just imagine the worst. but thank you oh so very much

At 11:23 PM, Blogger wonga said...

I don't know what to say, except that I'm so sorry for your current situation.

*currently trying to send good fortune your way*

At 12:29 AM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

the situation goes... umm i didn't go home today until 8 when i knew my dad would long be sleeping. day two of avoidance was a success. tomorrow will be tricky. but i can do it. thanks for asking.


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