There's No I In Team
My personal record of five hours to do an English packet was beat today when it took me only three hours and 18 minutes to complete today's packet. I'm awfully excited. I might actually be able to go out today... That is if I get gas for my car.
well I had a good weekend for a change. Friday I spent hanging with the little kids down the street and we sat outside making things out of mulch and our hot glue gun. I made this really awesome boat thing. Then I proceeded to go to a party that night for an old friend. It was a little boring at first because even though I go to school with all those kids I don't talk to them. But yea then my Asian crew came and it was great. I own at spades. There isn't a single person that can beat me. I don't care what partner I have to work with we just always win. foosball is another story. hahaha I totally suck at that and made a fool of myself playing but it was still awesome. Yea so I had a great time and honestly for like the first time fit in with everyone. It definitely felt good. See what happens when you ditch really crappy friends... You make really good friends and start to actually enjoy yourself.
I told my friend about all of it and she came out saying how I have completely changed but that it's a good thing. I guess it's a good thing because I'm enjoying life again.
um yea so today is homework day. But it looks like I'm done so now I am at a loss. What do I do? I'm itching to go to the mall but it's getting way too stupid.
LAST WEEK OF HIGH SCHOOL!!! Four days left. I'm excited.
It's also a week of present buying for myself. New shoes, new Taking Back Sunday CD, and books for the plane ride. Wow I can't wait.
fainty - you can hear the bounce in your voice:) i love card games too. actually i skipped a lot of classes in college so i could continue playing cards in the cafe w/my friends. i learned how to play canasta too. i love playing hearts. aside from learning my social security number in college, i learned many forms of rummy.
Super cool that you're having a good time. ^_^ Oh man, card games...whenever we used to go on vacation we'd play this game called 'big 2' and made the losers jump into the pool. Hehe, that was fun. Oh and I've always wanted to play foosball...
:O Taking Back Sunday, I love their first cd. Oh and I'm finally listening to some copeland songs...loving 'em so far.
slo- cards used to be my life. poker, rummy, spades, hearts, whist etc. my whole family is all about cards. skipping class to play cards sounds pretty exciting... perhaps i can partake in something similar. glad you noticed the uh bounce in my voice. i told you i would do an undepressing post one of these days.
wonga- big 2? never heard of that. Taking Back Sunday!!! Their first cd is the greatest thing ever. If people haven't heard that they are missing out big time. Second cd... not as good but I still enjoy it. COPELAND!! aww you like them. I can never have enough of those guys. twenty more days until their concert! keep enjoying them. if you know of any good bands you want to suggest I open to anything and always seeking new music. oh and play foosball but you have to be really talented for it.
I think big 2 is more like a chinese game since my dad and most of my family knows. It's sorta like asshole, but not really.
I too am always looking for new music, so if you have any ideas at all, you can swing some my way.
I don't know if you'd like them but here are some of the bands I listen to: Revis, Sevendust, The Calling, Forty Foot Echo, Papa Roach, the exies, anberlin, crossfade, dead poetic, fm static, last winter
wonga- anberlin is amazing. have you seen them in concert yet? you must. dead poetic is good too. haha wow revis... uhh i remember listening to them a while back. totally forgot the existed. I'll have to check out some of those other bands. I suggest The Postal Service. I just spent all morning at the blood place listening to them. amazing. more: paramore, straylight run, cartel, brand new, daphne loves derby. ok thats good for now.
jodi- thanks thanks thanks. i love countdowns even though this one is one of those bittersweet ones.
Man, I haven't seen anberlin in concert yet! I don't think they've toured even remotely near my area though :(. Never heard of these bands...maybe just The Postal service...I can't to hear their music ^_^
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