Wednesday, April 19, 2006

cute without the e

5 more days of school! one more day this week!

day three of avoiding my dad total success. i only had to sit outside my front door for three hours waiting for my mom and brother to come home so i could go in. thank god i had my computer with me.

wore my hair down to school for the first time this year. got way too much attention for it but the compliments were nice. everyone wanted my picture and they were claiming it was a once in a life time opportunity. yea in the four years in high school i think i've worn my hair down maybe a dozen times if that. i hate hair.

my mom walked in when i was looking at minnie's pics of shane on her blog. i couldn't click out fast enough... i'll get a lecture in about 45 minutes about why i shouldn't choose to be gay. can't wait for what she comes up with this time.

that's one of my favorite sites. i want to start sending in my secrets.

fuck college... i might have to commute meaning living at home meaning i'm going to go nuts and eventually en up in some psychoward. i have a 50/50 chance of getting housing and i have the worst luck ever... hello room looks like i won't be saying goodbye after all :(

oh and fuck all the stupid people out there who make our lives harder.


At 11:04 PM, Blogger wonga said...

Oh man, you're so lucky you only got five days of school left!!!

I told you your hair looked awesome :D.

Sorry about the lecture thing. I think my mom suspects something is up because just the other day she asked me to show her what I was doing. Luckily, I was sort of doing my homework and clicked on it as fast as I could.

Girl, I shall muster up all the luck I can get and send it towards you for that housing!

You tell 'em faint!

At 11:24 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

sure its only five days but then its an entire month of testing and studying. hell i even have testing after graduation.

haha you sure did i should have listened to you about my hair. you seem to know everything. that folder secret is amazing by the way.

oh man don't get caught. it's the worst. lecture after lecture. i actually didn't get one tonight. i was surprised. maybe my mom is kind of just accepting it slowly... i dont know.

thanks for the luck i seriously need it.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger wonga said...

I really don't know everything, just some things. If you know me, you'd realize that I'm the most confused girl you'll eva meet.

:O, ewwww. Yucky, yuck. I actually finish school May 12 and have only one exam after that. I'm glad school's finishing, but at the same time I have SO much shit to do and so little time. I hate school period.

At 11:46 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

you and me both. too bad this is my last year and i sort of feel like i slept the year away. i don't know i'm ready to be done with the teachers and the work but i'm not ready to say goodbye to my friends. senior year was a huge turn around for me and for once in high school i've actually been happy. now it's all about to end and it just sucks.

ugh i know what you mean all that last minute crap to get done in the short bit of time you have. i have to learn three years worth of biology in the next like two weeks. i don't see any hope there but whatever. i don't need my IB diploma anyway.

but hey we'll both survive our last days of school.

At 11:59 PM, Blogger wonga said...

Yes, we most certainly will ^_^

At 10:28 AM, Blogger green said...

fainty - where do you want to send secrets?

postsecret.blogspot perhaps?

me too.

hi wonga, making new friends? (*winkwink)

At 2:48 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

yep straight to postsecret. i go there every week to check the new ones that a put up and it always makes me want to send mine in. definitely going to get working on that one of these days.

At 2:58 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

jodi- haha my cheerleader. umm about an apartment. i am looking. i wish i could find someone to share one with but everyone i know is communting so yea. as of now dorm is first choice i guess but an apartment sounds so much better. either way i am getting out of this house.


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