Thursday, April 20, 2006

Stop the fucking car

so that lecture i thought i had avoided last night came today and sucked big time. for the past fifteen minutes she ran her mouth about how i don't appreciate my parents and that i need to become part of the family again. this is all a ploy to get me off of the computer so i'll stop going to in her words "those kinds of sites." she seems to think that i don't appreciate them and i'm mean to them because i'm confused about my life and the direction it is going. she was saying how she doesn't know where my life is headed and she's sorry i'm where i'm at, but if i am confused i need to stop "looking at what i look at" because i'll never be able to escape. then she comes out and asks if i am confused or if i know for sure or what. i tried to change the subject but she kept turning it back around. she goes off telling me how lonely i'm going to be, how i am going to have to sacrifice, and so much other crap. she also brought up how she made the choice to have kids and raise them and that if i chose to be gay that i was basically not allowed to have kids. she continues on to say how she loves me but doesnt support this kind of lifestyle and all this other crap. i just sat there the entire time looking at my friends myspaces trying desperately to ignore her. i don't know what her deal is lately. she says how i am selfish, don't appreciate my parents, and have to become a part of the family again, but how can she expect me to do that when she says the things that she does and when the "family" she talks about doesn't exist. i can't take her stupid lectures and remarks trying to make me out to be such a terrible person. i'm sorry if i'm not super nice to her but how the hell can i do that when she says those kinds of things to me and when i feel like her and my dad chose my brother over me? for years i was left home while they all went off to baseball games and crap which is why i have become so independent. my mom never established any type of relationship and well i never wanted one with my dad. i don't even know what to say. i really try not to let what she says get to me but i can't help it sometimes. i really can't wait to get away to college and be at a place where i can support myself because at this point i just want to break all ties. and you know i don't hate my parents i really don't despite what i may say but i just really can't stand anything they go.

whatever she said so much crap in that short fifteen minutes i can't even remember it all. as soon as she left damn it i started crying and i have no idea why. normally i wouldn't but fuck it i did. five more months... five more months...


At 11:39 PM, Blogger wonga said...

Hey there faint. Hope you're feeling better.

- wonga

(sent ya an e-mail)

At 12:58 AM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

wonga- thanks for the emial and yes i am feeling much better thank you.

jodi- the day did get better. spent some time in the library and then when i came home my mom apologized... sort of. but it's ok. i have to epect the lectures every now and then.

At 1:24 AM, Blogger green said...

fainty - i think you mom is realizing that she no longer has control of you and your life. it might be tough living in that house until you get yourself to college but hang in there. the summer will go by fast.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger nico said...

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At 10:17 AM, Blogger nico said...

maybe you care, maybe you don't
maybe you need this, maybe you don't
maybe you understand, what i'm trying to say, maybe you'll get me totally wrong
maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't
and maybe it's honestly just writing to my own 18 year old self, who desperately wished to hear someone saying this...

i'm fuckin proud of you!

At 11:04 AM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

slo- you're probably right. i just wish she could accept her loss of control and get over it already. thank god summer will go by fast. i'll be spending a whole month in boston without my family which will be great for me.

nico- thanks. i don't exactly 100% get you, but i think id do so thank you. and i'm sure there are plent of people that are proud of you.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger nico said...

=D half the world is proud of me now!
but this is about YOU you little smartass... so just take that darn compliment like a dyke ;D

and the good thing is, it will be over. maybe not soon, but sooner as you think... keep your chin up

At 11:20 AM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

ok ok compliment accepted. and whoa I am so not a smartass.

yes it will all be over soon enough and when that day comes... damn big celebration for me.

At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Faint, hang in there & sending you good thoughts. It appears you like hats so maybe next week, I'll post a little silly something about my hat collection to make ya giggle.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

ooh that sounds exciting. i'm looking forward to it. and maybe one day you know you could slip in a picture of kate wearing one of her hats... eh just a thought.

but yes thank you very much for your good thoughts and your super cool blog with all those kate pictures.

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI: after reading your post on the J-Meg blog, I'm thinking of you as: strongofheart.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger green said...

fainty - can you send me an email? i need to ask you something...


At 11:38 AM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

email has been sent

At 2:48 PM, Blogger wonga said...

Hey...I know you had that link up for a time now and I totally forgot to say thank you! So sorry!


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