Friday, May 26, 2006

Dinner at the money table

since i hear a thunder storm rolling in and i am wicked afraid of those i decided to share a top ten fears list with you guys. and yes i am extremely bored.

top ten in no particular order:
paper cuts
thunder storms
throwing up... ewww
michael meyers (from the halloween movies)
hitting a pedestrian (came close. psa: don't wear black when it's pitch dark outside)
the dark
my dad when he's mad
dogs that bark (i know i know)
opening closed blinds or closing the blinds at night (thanks to free willy)
hearing my house alarm go off (i get so scared i can't move)

oh and i'm adding hurricanes because the first one last year (charlie I think it was) scared the crap out of me.

the cartel concert sold out. i don't have a ticket. that's two concerts in a row that i've missed. i'm cursed.


At 8:14 PM, Blogger wonga said...

Omg, I'm scared of paper cuts too, have you ever had a cardboard cut, those hurt like a mofo!

Throwing up, yup, scared of that too.

Hehe, don't wear black when it's pitch dark, I definitely agree to that. My mom was driving and we totally didn't see the pedestrian until we see the person's teeth.

Oh and I also have this fear of losing all my teeth at a really early age.

Sorry you missed the concerts :(.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger LBaller said...

I'm scared of thunderstorms.
New CaliLove cast is up too. :)

At 11:37 PM, Blogger GreyLibra said...

Yeah, I would agree that throwing up all around sucks. My greatest fear would be waking up one day and realizing that not only am I not happy, but there is nothing I can do about.

At 12:58 AM, Blogger oct-libra said...

my fear is hitting a pedestrian also...and i came close once, other driving fears of mine are driving over train tracks and drawbridges...the fear of course being i will get stuck on them.

At 1:08 AM, Blogger MC said...

I love thunder, however throwing up...yeahhh...especially throwing up when you have nothing to throw up. That hurts like a bitch.

Sorry about the concert also.

At 2:26 AM, Blogger GreyLibra said...

hey, if anyone is interested, I just put up a podcast of sorts on my blog...

At 12:10 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

wonga- i don't even want to imagine what a cardboard cut would feel like. yea i almost hit some idiot crossing the street on my way to school. seriously who wears all black and crosses the street when the hand is clearly up on the little signal thing?

grey- wow that just sounds really sad if it were to ever happen.

oct- i've yet to drive over a drawbridge but i think i'm ok with train tracks. being stuck on either though would definitely scare the crap out of me.

mc- ew yes. i know that feeling and it's the worst. especially when being sick was induced by an excessive amount of anesthesia.

thanks for the updates lballer and grey. definitely enjoyed both the casts.

At 12:03 AM, Blogger oct-libra said...

pimpin the new WRAP PARTYcast.


At 12:26 AM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

yea i used to enjoy storms but then the hurricanes came and all my love for storms was carried away by those. i don't know, I don't trust storms.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

well you have good reason to be afraid. the ones that hit us only one out of the three was bad and it was only category three. a category 5... yea i would have been like three states away. hopefully despite predictions this season isn't as bad as usual.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger faintofhearts said...

yea the media is definitley going overboard with everything. the storms are all they talk about. i don't really care because if there is even a chance of a big storm hitting florida i'm gone. i know i am in central florida away from the coast, but we still had a category 3 and that scared me. anything worse i couldn't handle.

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was terrified to thunderstorms for a while after I was caught outside in a tornado. But somehow I got over it and even enjoy thunderstorms, as long as I'm safely inside.

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"terrified of," not "to." can't type in the morning...


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