Stuck In America
I'm off to see X-men. I hope it's good. I never saw the second one all the way through so I hope I'm not lost.
Ok just wondering but does anyone else out there use the word wicked? I mean I know the people up in Mass. say it and that's where I picked it up but come down here and they all look at me like I am crazy when I say it. whatever I like it.
have i ever mentioned how awesome little kids are? If I haven't well.... they are!
and I can't believe Oct met Eliza Dushku. That's so not fair.
UPDATE: just got back from the movie and i guess all i have to say is that it wasn't all it's cracked up to be. ok i didn't really like it too much. it was ok but nothing special. mt friend who was super psyched about the movie came out wicked disappointed. let me know what all of you think after you see it. i got stuck to some drunk who wouldn't shut up and the theater was a mad house. every showing sold out and they kept adding later ones. insane.
Oh, dear, your Minnie Mom must be getting old because I had to google Eliza Bushku to find out who she is.
Hope you enjoyed X-Men!
I use the word wicked sometimes, I've heard a couple of people say it too. I never got any crazy looks.
I couldn't believe that either, I'm so jealous! Eliza!!!!
Hope you liked x-men and let me know if it was good, I'm supposed to go see it sometime soon...
ENJOY X-MEN, i think it will be good, or i hope anyway.
i totally say wicked, because of the MASS thing but also because Ron says it in Harry Potter.
i tried to use the term 5x5 like Faith but it never stuck, maybe you can help me start that now. i'll take the east coast, you take the south, Minnie's got the north right? and we just need someone out west.
GAMEPLAN-work 5x5 into your vocabulary. definition when things are okay they are 5x5.
tin- yea it is out tomorrow but we went to the mid-night showing. well 12:45 since everything else sold out.
minnie- haha aww you're not that old. you're just not a buffy fan. eliza is awesome.
wonga- let me know what you think of the movie. well some girl on my super sweet 16 said wicked and my friend flipped out. it sparked a lot of memories.
oct- i definitely have the south covered. i can really picture myself saying it in conversation too and then i can picture my friends faces but whatever. i'm sure we can get some west coaster to jump on board with us. seriously you have to see x-men and give me your opinion. i just think your opinion holds more value or something.
haha that's when you spray them with the super soaker filled with ice cold water. it works everytime when they give you attitude.
definitely not impressive. just ok. but hey see it yourself and decide on your own.
no i didn't know about the thing after the credits. we were so disappointed with the movie that we just bolted as soon as the credits came on. i might stop in one of the theaters just to see that scene one day after i go catch another movie. no way i am paying to see X-Men again.
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